Break time. The Public Archive is taking the rest of the summer off to catch up on some reading — to consider those daunting, guilt-inducing, impossible to finish accumulations of never-read classics, recently-published near-sensations, and occasionally-frustrating volumes you feel you should read if only to say you’ve read them. Hudson’s list includes W.E.B. Dubois’ Dark […]
Monthly Archives: July 2010
Haiti: Le Serment des Ancêtres
Lethière Guillaume Guillon, Le Serment des Ancêtres (1822), Museée National d’Haïti, Port-au-Prince, Haïti Lethière Guillaume Guillon (1760-1832)
Posted in Haiti
Tagged 1804, 1822, art, Dessalines, Haiti, Petion, race, representation, revolution, sovereignty
1 Response
Haiti: Présence Africaine Éditions, 25 bis, rue des écoles, Paris, France, June 24, 2010
Présence Africaine Éditions