Marcus Garvey to President Louis Borno of Haiti New York, 3 August 1924 We are in deep sympathy with the indignation of the people of Haiti in the matter of the rape of the country through a forcible occupation by an alien race. We shall work along with the patriots of Haiti to free her […]
Monthly Archives: March 2011
Marcus Garvey and Haiti
In Haiti numberless abominable crimes have been committed. To give some idea of their horror we cite only a few cases made public …
1. Hanging of M. Cicéron Lacroix, execution of Léon Moricet, Téca, and other persons in October and November. 1918, by Lieut. Lang, acts denounced to the naval court of inquiry by M. Philocles Lacroix in his letter of October 20, 1920. 2. Execution of the Péralte brothers by Lieut. Wallace at Mirebalais in December, 1918. […]
Simón Bolívar, Venezuela and Haiti
But this is not all that the Haitians did for the sacred cause of Humanity: the breath of God was on them. When the immortal Bolívar, vanquished and a fugitive, after the failure of his first effort, was seeking a place of refuge as well as help, it was in Haiti that he found both. […]
François Duvalier, Haiti and the Republic of Biafra
The vocation of the first independent Negro Republic in the world to secure everywhere the defence of the prestige and dignity of our race, its conditions of an extra-continental state added to the fact that it does not seek any personal advantage, put Haiti in a privileged position to cause the voice of right, wisdom […]
Haiti: Kanaval
Alfred Bendiner, Mardi Gras in Haiti (1946, lithograph on paper). Smithsonian American Art Museum.
Toussaint L’Ouverture: Allada, Benin
Eileen McNamara, “Statue of Toussaint L’Ouverture, Founder of Haiti,” (1997-1998; Allada, Benin). University of Wisconsin Digital Collections. General Library System of the University of Wisconsin-Madison.