William H. Johnson, Toussaint L’Ouverture, Haiti (1945) Source: Smithsonian American Art Museum. Click here for more information.
Monthly Archives: November 2011
Toussaint L’Ouverture, Haiti
Ramón E. Betances, Puerto Rico and Haiti
After brief periods of exile in St. Thomas, Venezuela and New York, Ramón Emeterio Betances moved to Jacmel, Haiti, where he spent the next five years (1870-1875). As a doctor, political mediator and eventually a delegate in the Cuban Republican Party, he was able to befriend a wide array of politicians, intellectuals and common […]
La vérité sur la répression anticommuniste de 1969
“La vérité sur la répression anticommuniste de 1969,” Boukan: Organ del Parti unifie des communistes Haitiens (P.U.C.H.), March 1970. Source: Centre International de Documentation et d’Information Haïtienne, Caribéenne et Afro-Canadienne (CIDIHCA). Montréal, Québec, Canada.
Loïs Mailou Jones and Haiti
Lois Mailou Jones, Street Vendors, Port au Prince, Haiti, 1978 (Acrylic 53 x 40 1/4 in) The Loïs Mailou Jones Pierre-Noël Trust and the National Museum of Women in the Arts.
States of Exception
Haiti’s Internally Displaced Person camps are … “states of exception” that risk becoming permanent fixtures in the post-earthquake urban landscape in and around Port-au-Prince. While Haitian law applies as a matter of course to IDP residents who remain Haitian citizens, in practice, the “rights” of these individuals do not have the full backing of the […]
Haiti, 1982: Les opérations étrangères
Georges Anglade (1944-2010), Atlas Critique d’Haïti. Montréal: ERCE et CRC. Groupe d’études et de recherches critiques d’espace, Département de géographie, UQÀM. Centre de recherches caraïbes de l’Université de Montréal, 1982. Click map for larger version; click here to download book.
Suzanne Comhaire-Sylvain, Africa and Haiti
Suzanne Comhaire-Sylvain vient de mourir en laissant une oeuvre considérable sur la littérature orale africaine et haïtienne. Ayant vécu loin des rumeurs de la politique haïtienne, elle est restée dans l’ombre pour nombre d’ethnologues d’Haïti, mais tous reconnaissent une grande dette à son égard : c’est elle qui a fourni une base indispensable et unique […]
Jeanne Odo, Paris, 17 May, 1793
On May 17, 1793, the Saint-George Legion, sent an “Address to the National Convention and to all the patriotic clubs and societies on behalf of the Negroes held in slavery in the French colonies of America.” It was written in the name of “one million slaves” and asked for the immediate abolition of slavery. The […]