Monthly Archives: December 2013

The Commander in Chief, Jean-Jacques Dessalines, to the People of Hayti, Gonaives, January 1, 1804

The Commander in Chief to the People of Haiti: Citizens: It is not enough to have expelled the barbarians who have bloodied our land for two centuries; it is not enough to have restrained those ever-evolving factions that one after another mocked the specter of liberty that France dangled before you. We must, with one […]

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10 Books for 2013

A couple of caveats concerning our list of ten notable books for 2013: we’ve listed more than ten books and not all of them were published in 2013. While some of the texts mentioned below come from 2012, others were published as early as the 1930s. We also have a stack of excellent recent titles […]

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Haitiano Eres Haitiano eres haitiano por ser negro eres negro eso te hace haitiano no por nacimiento Por ser negro Eres negro Eres haitianoo por ser negro Negro es lo malo Malo es lo haitiano Negro es feo Feo es haitiano Eres haitiano Por ser negro eres haitiano. _____________ Haitian You are Haitian you are […]

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