Geographer Marion Werner’s Global Displacements: The Making of Uneven Development in the Caribbean is among the most important, and easily the most innovative, work of political economy to emerge on the Caribbean region over the past decades. Issued by the excellent Antipode Book Series, the imprint of Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography, Global Displacements […]
Monthly Archives: May 2020
Caribbean Workers and Capitalist Geography: An interview with Marion Werner
Posted in Haiti
Tagged 1937, anti-Blackness, anti-Haitianism, Aristide, borders, Caribbean, Caribbean Studies, coloniality, Dominican Republic, economy, factory, geography, Haiti, labor, neoliberalism, plantation, political-economy
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Revolutions and Revisions: An Interview with Charles Forsdick and Christian Høgsbjerg
In Toussaint Louverture: A Black Jacobin in the Age of Revolutions (Pluto) Charles Forsdick and Christian Høgsbjerg have produced what is arguably the most important biography of Louverture since CLR James’ magisterial Black Jacobins was first published in 1938. Kicking against the contemporary anti-Black and anti-radical revisionism that downplays the historical importance of the revolution while […]
Posted in Haiti
Tagged 1804, 1938, archives, Black Jacobins, CLR James, Dessalines, Haiti, history, memory, representation, revolution
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