Jamaica, Haiti, Anti-Haitianism

Quelle est l’image d’Haiti entretenue à travers le monde? Quelle est l’image d’Haiti qu’ont les Haïtiens? Ce sont les questions que je me pose depuis que la nouvelle du traitement infligé à notre équipe U-17 à la Jamaïque s’est répandue dans le pays.

Nadève Ménard, “Une question d’image,” Tande (20 février 2011)

The expulsion of the Haitian National U-17 football team from Jamaica has led to anti-Jamaican demonstrations in Haiti, burning of the CARICOM flag, and a threatened rupture in diplomatic relations between the two countries. This detailed, sober account of the incident by the President of the Haitian Football Federation to Haitian President Rene Preval raises disturbing questions about the treatment of the Haitians by the Jamaican medical and other authorities  and suggests that deeply rooted prejudices against Haitans may have played a part–questions that need to be answered.

Norman Girvan, “Introduction to the Report on the Trip of the Haitian National U-17 Team to Jamaica by Dr. Yves Jean Part,” Caribbean Political Economy (23 February 2011)

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  • […] The parade also embraces events of current concern, most notably cholera.  One particular group consisted of a sick patient on a stretcher, face painted white and constantly throwing up (water). The attendants, continued to shout at the crowd in a call and response manner, demanding to know what was wrong with the patient and how to fix it.  All the while, a giant red and yellow paper mache monster (cholera) danced around the scene.  You couldn’t have paid for a better performance at the Kennedy Center.  Kanaval paid so much attention to historic and current detail, I was actually surprised there were no groups depicting the U-17 controversy. […]

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