Haiti, land of blue sea and green hills, white fishing boats on the sea, and the hidden huts of peasants in the tall mountains. People strong, midnight black. Proud women whose arms bear burdens, whose backs are very straight. Children naked as nature. Nights full of stars, throbbing with Congo drums. At the capital lovely […]
Tag Archives: 1900s
Ligue Feminine d’action sociale
In 1934, the Ligue Feminine d’action sociale was formed among women of the upper classes. According to Haitian historian Madeleine Boucherau, Ligue members chose to move away from their usual model of inidvidualized patronage to a more communal one of inter-class cooperation which would attack Haiti’s greater social problems. The Ligue founded the “Association des […]
In the Dominican Republic the cause is the consequence: you are Black because you are Haitian; you are Haitian because you are Black.
On December 2, 2011, the Supreme Court of the Dominican Republic upheld a racist law denying citizenship to the children of Haitian immigrants born in the country. Two days later, Sonia Pierre, the indefatigable activist forthe human rights of those Dominicans of Haitian descent denied citizenship under the law, died suddenly at the age of […]
Surrealism and Haiti
Jean Duché: It seems you had a hand in the Haitian revolution. Could you comment on exactly what happened? André Breton: Let’s not exaggerate. At the end of 1945, the poverty, and consequently the patience, of the Haitian people had reached a breaking point. You have to realize that, on the huge Ile de la Gonave […]
Toussaint L’Ouverture, Haiti
William H. Johnson, Toussaint L’Ouverture, Haiti (1945) Source: Smithsonian American Art Museum. Click here for more information.
La vérité sur la répression anticommuniste de 1969
“La vérité sur la répression anticommuniste de 1969,” Boukan: Organ del Parti unifie des communistes Haitiens (P.U.C.H.), March 1970. Source: Centre International de Documentation et d’Information Haïtienne, Caribéenne et Afro-Canadienne (CIDIHCA). Montréal, Québec, Canada.
Loïs Mailou Jones and Haiti
Lois Mailou Jones, Street Vendors, Port au Prince, Haiti, 1978 (Acrylic 53 x 40 1/4 in) The Loïs Mailou Jones Pierre-Noël Trust and the National Museum of Women in the Arts.
Haiti, 1982: Les opérations étrangères
Georges Anglade (1944-2010), Atlas Critique d’Haïti. Montréal: ERCE et CRC. Groupe d’études et de recherches critiques d’espace, Département de géographie, UQÀM. Centre de recherches caraïbes de l’Université de Montréal, 1982. Click map for larger version; click here to download book.