On Saturday, May 22nd, 2021, in anticipation of the global events marking African Liberation Day , the Black Alliance for Peace hosted African Liberation Day in the Americas , a webinar exploring the parallel struggles and inter-connected histories of people of African descent throughout the Americas. The webinar featured Black activists and academics from Haiti, Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, […]
Tag Archives: americas
Haiti and African Liberation in the Americas: Gerald Horne
Haiti: The Second Occupation
Guest post by Jemima Pierre. July 28, 2015 marked the one hundredth anniversary of the landing of US Marines in Haiti and the beginning of a military occupation of the Black Republic that lasted until 1934 — nineteen years in total. With its massacres of Haitian peasants, its control of Haiti’s finances, its suppression of […]
Frederick Douglass and Haiti: A Dossier
Letter from Frederick Douglass to Secretary of State James G. Blaine, Accepting the Appointment as U.S. Minister to Haiti, June 25, 1889 Hon. Frederick Douglass, “Haiti and the United States. Inside History of the Negotiations for the Mole St. Nicolas, I,” North American Review (September 1891) Hon. Frederick Douglass, “Haïti and the United States: Inside […]
Abduction & Assistance: An Interview with Donald Rumsfeld
Q: Mr. Secretary? Rumsfeld: Yes, sir? Q: I wonder if you could tell us how many U.S. troops do you think, in a round figure, might be required — might be sent to Haiti, and how long do you think they would stay? And also, President Aristide is claiming now that he was virtually kidnapped […]
Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez visits Haiti, December 3, 2007
Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías (28 July 1954 – 5 March 2013). *video via @dominique_e_ + @djaspora
Cese el terror duvalierista/Stop Duvalier’s Terrorism
Also known as “Baby Doc,” Jean-Claude Duvalier terrorized Haiti from 1971 to 1986, picking up where his father François “Papa Doc” Duvalier had left off. Duvalier’s army and the dreaded Tonton Macoutes death squad systematically beat, imprisoned, tortured, and killed the regime’s political opponents. Nearly 50,000 Haitians were killed under the combined reign of father […]
Punta de Maisí, Guantánamo, Cuba, 25 December 2011
“Cuban military searches for survivors after 38 Haitian migrants die on boat,” The Telegraph (25 December 2011) Image: Cory MacDonald, Haitian Refugee Boat on the Beach at the Naval Station Key West (1970s). World Digital Library.
José Antonio Aponte, Cuba and Haiti
In 1812 occurred the Aponte rebellion, which began in Havana. Aponte was a free Negro whose motives were not apparent, though race hatred seems to have been the prime cause of the outbreak. He terrorized Havana for a time but was slain with many others. E.P. Herrick, “Uprisings of Cuban Negroes,” The Southern Workman (1913) […]