In Toussaint Louverture: A Black Jacobin in the Age of Revolutions (Pluto) Charles Forsdick and Christian Høgsbjerg have produced what is arguably the most important biography of Louverture since CLR James’ magisterial Black Jacobins was first published in 1938. Kicking against the contemporary anti-Black and anti-radical revisionism that downplays the historical importance of the revolution while […]
Tag Archives: memory
Revolutions and Revisions: An Interview with Charles Forsdick and Christian Høgsbjerg
“The lass days of KB and CowPastor Vandal”
[The following letter of protest from the late Kamau Brathwaite was circulating in 2005. It is at once a heartfelt plea for his own plot of land in Barbados and a tragically visionary comment on the future of the Caribbean’s ecology]. Pl circulate this ATTACH (ihope it will open!) aswidely as possible as a contribution […]
Port-au-Prince, Haiti, 12 January 2010
Evelne Alcide, Seisme (Earthquake), 2010. Museum of International Folk Art/Museum of New Mexico. Click links for more information; click image for larger version.
Haiti: The Second Occupation
Guest post by Jemima Pierre. July 28, 2015 marked the one hundredth anniversary of the landing of US Marines in Haiti and the beginning of a military occupation of the Black Republic that lasted until 1934 — nineteen years in total. With its massacres of Haitian peasants, its control of Haiti’s finances, its suppression of […]
Port-au-Prince, Haiti, January 12, 2010
Image: Bourmond Bryon (1920?-2004), “Untitled” (Date?). Source: Conservation of Paintings-Smithsonian Institution Haiti Cultural Recovery Project. Also see [pdf].
Port-au-Prince, Haiti, 12 January 2010
Neg Maron, Champ de Mars, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, January 4th, 2012. Credit: Leonard Doyle, IOM.
Je renais de mes cendres
…The reverse bears the inscription Les armoiries du Roi Henry Christophe, 1767-1820, Bâtisseur de La Citadelle (The arms of King Henry Christophe, 1767-1820, Builder of the Citadel). In the middle is the king’s coat of arms, a crowned phoenix rising from the flames, with stars in the firmament and the words, Je renais de mes cendres. (I […]